On October 20, 2023 an Armenian lace-making workshop was held at 1st school of Ayntab village led by Vania Msrieh.

The workshop was organised by "Today Art Initiative" organization within the framework of the "#pariahs: Performing Europe's Historical Memory" project.
The participants of the workshop got acquainted with the Armenian lace-making skills and created their first lace-making work. Armenian lace has gone through many trials with the Armenian people, kept its simplicity and reached our days. Due to the accessibility of the material, the relatively simple forms of the tools, along with it, the wide means of artistic expression, it has been one of the popular and popular occupations among the people. In delicate embroidered laces, ancient motifs of space, flora and fauna, geometric motifs, pockets, etc. have been preserved.
Vania Msrieh Garajian was born in Aleppo, Syria. Her ancestors migrated from the city of Cilician Aynab . Vania's love for needlework and lacework began at a young age. Mastering the secrets of Armenian embroidery (Marash, Swaz, Aintap, Urfa, Kilis, Vani lace, etc.) through self-work and difficulty, today Vania has her own brand under the name of Vanart Handmades, which, in addition to manual embroidery, applies Armenian ornaments with a computerized machine. With the motto "Needle is my weapon to survive, to live, to continue"", Vania imparts her skills to everyone without limitations or omissions.
The project is co-financed by the EU Creative Europe programme, coordinated by CHORUS. Photos by Anton Khlabov